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Multicultural Division Awards


BraVada Garrett-Akinsanya Distinguished Elders Award for Leadership in Minnesota Psychology

At the Annual Conference, MPA will hold a recognition ceremony to honor elders who have made significant contributions to mental health in Minnesota through their roles as scholars, teachers, mentors, practitioners, and/or advocates for rights and just causes. 


Thomas P. Carrillo Leadership in Diversity Award

This award is given to an individual who has broken downs systemic barriers and who has promoted diversity competence through practice, teaching, advocacy or research. In other words, the recipient is someone who has exemplified Outstanding Organizational and Professional Leadership In Promoting Diversity in Minnesota Psychology. 


John M. Taborn Award for Outstanding Contributions to Psychology by a Person of African Descent

This award is given to recognize sustained or special contributions to the field of psychology. Contributions may be in a unique aspect of psychological professional practice, research, teaching, or administration. During their career, nominees may have improved the image of psychology or the MPA. Their practice may include distinguished leadership or achievement in black psychology or involvement in the Black community. 

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